c: switzerland
s: summer | autumn | winter
Every one of these Swiss moments, Sarah was there. Somewhere behind/in front of/hiding from the lens…
We met at high school 15 years ago when Sarah was an exchange student at our little country high school in rural Queensland, Australia.
Sarah is the friend that I catch trams with. Walk the streets of Paris, London, Istanbul, Berlin and Basel with. We laugh and chat and behave like sixteen year olds and never ever does there seem to be enough time together. She lends me shoes, takes me to gallery openings and educates me on movies, music and art. She reminds me of all things graceful and clumsy, serious and silly. She is creative beyond means, has the most wonderful memory and bears the kindest and most considerate soul there is. When I’m sick, she brings me tulips, lemon tea and a thermometer. She is the friend that hosts mid-week dinners, uses every last item in her fridge, loves Pavlova and golden syrup and all things Australian. She dislikes Edith Piaf on Saturdays and being wasteful. She introduced me to Danish furniture, parquet floors, and living without a TV. She speaks perfect English, writes the most beautiful letters, and her handwriting is like no one else’s I’ve seen.
Sarah lives in Basel with her lovely husband Alban and their two young children. I’ve been lucky enough to always find a welcomed place as part of their family and their home while I’m on the road in Europe, and to witness moments as their young family grows.
I share these images and this snippet of my life because of the inspiration, warmth and respite that a beautiful, lifelong and sincere friendship like Sarah’s brings.
When I grow up, I can only dream of sharing a love, a family and an ever considered lifestyle like Sarah’s. Until then, I’ll be swinging by Switzerland as often as I possibly can to soak up these sweet corners of hers.